
easyLog Developer Guide

By: Ong Wei Sheng, Zhu Zikun, Qiu Yi Wen, Li Kexuan, Jiang Qixiong

Last Updated: 12 April 2021

Supported Java versions Supported OS Java CI

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Software Overview

easyLog is a Command Line Interface (CLI) application for home based businesses to manage items and orders in their inventory. easyLog allows users to add new items and orders, view existing items and orders, remove specific items and orders and clear all existing items and orders in the inventory at ease. If the user types fast, easyLog can get logistic management tasks done faster than traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications.

easyLog, comprises a Parser component, Ui component, Storage component, Item component, Order component and Command component. Each component consists of various classes that work in tandem, to ensure it meets the purpose of our program.

The purpose of this developer guide is to allow any interested contributors who wish to develop this application further or just curious about the workings of this application. This would allow potential contributors to be able to dive right in to improving the code, performance, features or even adding new features much more easily due to the understanding of the structure of the codebase and implementation of existing features.

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1.2 Prerequisites

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1.3 Setting Up

  1. Fork the easyLog repository here and git clone it to any location on your computer.

  2. Open any IDE (IntelliJ Idea preferred as mentioned in the prerequisites) and click Configure -> Project Defaults -> Project Structure -> New

  3. Next, go to Import Project and select the build.gradle file.

  4. After opening the project, go to src -> main -> java -> seedu.easylog -> EasyLog and right click on the EasyLog class.

  5. Upon successful run, the following opening message will be shown:

Hello! I'm easyLog!
What can I do for you? Enter help to view commands.

Looking for save data.
Save data not found.

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2. Design

In this section, we discuss the various design of the different components of the application.

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2.1 Architecture

Architecture Diagram

The EasyLog component contains the main method which is required by Java to run the application. Its main responsibility is to initialize the app and after initialization continuously ask for user’s input until the exit command is executed. More details of the EasyLog component will be explained in the future sections.

Apart from the EasyLog component, the application also consists of the following components:

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2.2 EasyLog Component

The EasyLog component is responsible for initializing the app. It initializes the app by instantiating classes from the Ui, Parser, Model and Storage components. More details regarding the initialization will be covered in the Implementation section.

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2.3 Ui Component

The UI component does the following:

  1. It asks for users input.
  2. It is responsible for printing and showing responses to the user’s input while executing commands related to the user’s input.

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2.4 Parser Component

Parser Diagram

The Parser component deals with the input of the user. It makes sense of the users input and executes respective commands according to the user’s input. This component consists of 3 different classes:

  1. Parser class to determine the type of feature the user wants to use. (e.g. items or orders feature)
  2. ItemsParser class to process inputs related to items features.
  3. OrdersParser class to process inputs related to orders features.

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2.5 Command Component

Command Class Diagram All four ExitCommand, OrdersCommand, ItemsCommand and HelpCommand classes extend the abstract Command class. OrdersCommand and ItemsCommand Classes are abstract class, and it has various Command classes (e.g. OrdersXXXCommand, ItemsXXXCommand) extending them, in order to deal with different command actions ask by the user.

  1. Once the user input is been parsed by the Parser class new Command object will be created.
  2. Different actions will be executed by the execute method in different Command class.
  3. Command execution takes place, and it will affect the Model and its data (e.g. adding a new item).

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2.6 Model Component

Model Diagram

The model component consists of four classes, namely, Item, ItemManager, Order and OrderManager classes. Item and Order classes represent real-world item and order objects easyLog is tasked to keep track of. Note that the UML diagram above omits less important details for more comprehensibility.

  1. Item class is used to store item attributes (i.e., item description, unit price, stock and sales). Primarily, Item class has all necessary getter and setter methods foritemManager to modify a particular item’s attributes when necessary.

  2. ItemManager class stores the item list (the list of items existing in the inventory) and a founded item list (the list of items found when the user gives items find command). Primarily, ItemManager includes methods which various item-related commands (e.g., ItemsAddCommand) required to perform neccesary operations to modify (e.g., add) items in the item list.

  3. Order class is used to store order attributes (i.e., customer’s name, descriptions of items ordered, quantities of items ordered and whether the order is done). Primarily, Order class has all necessary getter and setter methods for orderManager to modify a particular order’s attributes when necessary.

  4. OrderManager class stores the order list (the list of orders placed by customers) and a founded order list (the list of orders founded when the user gives orders find command). Primarily, OrderManager has methods which various orders-related commands (e.g., OrdersAddCommand) required to perform neccesary operations to modify (e.g., add) orders in the orders list.

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2.7 Storage Component


The Storage component consists of 3 different classes

  1. Storage class to initialize required classes for it’s subclasses.
  2. SaveData class to deal with the loading, saving and creation of save data.
  3. Receipt class to deal with the generation of receipts when an order is done.
  4. Logging class to setup logging environment and allow log messages to be entered. (Not shown in storage diagram) Logging class is not related to the above 3 classes.

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2.8 Common Component

The Common component consists of 2 different classes:

  1. Constants class to store all variables that are frequently used in the various components.
  2. Messages class to store all the texts for the UI to print onto the command line.

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3. Implementation

In this section, we explain the details and implementation of the more important features of easyLog.

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3.1. App Initialization

App Initialization Diagram

As seen from the sequence diagram above, upon initialization,

  1. The main class located in EasyLog will show the user a greeting message.
  2. Proceed to load save file if any. Details on the implementation of loading save files can be seen here
  3. Set up the environment for logging messages to be logged.
  4. Proceed to ask for user’s input.
  5. Write a log to show that user’s input has been requested.
  6. Proceed to process user input to determine the type of command to execute. More details on the implementation of processing inputs will be discussed in the next section.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 if user does not input exit command.

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3.2. Processing of user inputs

As mentioned in the design of the Parser component, the Parser component handles the processing of inputs.

We will now explain the steps to how user inputs is being processed:

  1. User input is firstly being split using the splitCommandWordAndArgs method in the Parser class. This is to determine the type of feature that the user wants to use e.g., items feature, orders feature, help feature, or the exitfeature.
  2. The processUserInput in the Parser class then determines the type of feature to be executed using the command word provided by the user. If items and orders feature are being executed, the remaining arguments being typed by the user is being processed using the processItemsInput method from the ItemsParser class or the processOrdersInput method using the OrdersParser class respectively.
  3. Note that if help command or exit command is being inputted by the user, the processUserInput from the Parser class will directly call the execute method of the relevant command.
  4. processItemsInput and processOrdersInput will then also use the splitCommandWordAndArgs method to similarly determine the type of items and orders features to execute e.g., items add, orders add, items update etc.
  5. After determining the type of items and orders feature to execute, the execute methods of the respective commands will be called by either the processItemsInput or processOrdersInput method and the command arguments would also be passed into the execute method for the respective commands in order to properly execute the command inputted by the user.

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3.3. Loading of save data

LoadFile Diagram

As seen form the sequence diagram above (note that some trivial details are removed from the diagram), when loadFile method in the SaveData class is being executed,

  1. Show the user a message that it is looking for save data.
  2. Creates a File object with pathname of the save file.
  3. Check whether the save file exists through the File object previously created.
  4. If the save file does not exist, it will terminate the loadFile method and show the user that no save data was found.
  5. If the save file exists, it will show the user a message that it is loading the save data.
  6. Create a Scanner object using the save file.
  7. Read the first line in the save data.
  8. Process the line of input from the save data.
  9. Repeat step 6 and 7 until there no more lines to be read from the save data.
  10. Show the user that the save data has been successfully loaded.

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3.4. Items Add

itemsAdd Diagram The items add feature is designed to allow users to add items to the system, including the item name, price and stock of each item. As seen from the sequence diagram above (note that some trivial details are removed from the diagram), when an item is added into the system:

  1. User executes the itemsAddcommand by typing items add <item_name>.
  2. easyLog invokes itemsParser and calls the promptAndProcessItemPriceAndStock(String)method to ask user the itemPrice and itemStock of this item.
  3. easyLog will keep asking user the itemPrice and itemStock by calling itemPriceInStringToBigDecimalFormat(String)and itemStockInStringToIntegerFormat(String) methods, until the itemPrice and itemStock given by the user are both valid.
  4. Then, itemsParser creates a new Item object, which would be returned to itemsAddCommand.
  5. easyLog then invokes itemsManager and calls the addItem(Item) method to add this item into the system.
  6. After the item is added successfully, UI sends back the confirmation message to user by calling showAddItem(Item) method.

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3.5. Items Update

Please note that less important details are omitted for better comprehensibility. For instance, in the first diagram of this section, only the interactions after ItemsUpdateCommand.execute() is modelled. In the second diagram of this section, details of itemsPromptPriceCommand and itemsPromptPriceCommand are omitted.

Items Update Figure 1 The diagram above shows the first stage of itemsUpdateCommand, after the user executes the itemUpdateCommand by typing items update and easyLog invokes itemsParser.

  1. ItemUpdateCommand first gets the item size from ItemManager.
  2. ItemUpdateCommand calls askForItemIndex from UI to print a message that an item index is required.
  3. ItemUpdateCommand creates a new ItemsListCommand object and uses ItemsListCommand.execute() to get the item list for the user.
  4. ItemUpdateCommand prompts the user for input by calling askForUserInput() from UI.
  5. ItemUpdateCommand gets the item size from ItemManager again.
  6. If the input given by the user is invalid (not a valid item index), start from step 2 again.
  7. ItemUpdateCommand calls askForItemFieldToBeUpdated and askForUserInput() from UI to print a question message and get the user input.
  8. If the input given by the user is invalid (not p or s), start from step 7 again.

Items Update Figure 2 Next,

  1. ItemUpdateCommand calls processUpdateAttributeInput of ItemsParser.

If the user input is “p”:

  1. ItemsParser calls askForRevisedItemPrice from UI. ItemsParser creates an object of ItemsPromptPriceCommand and its execute() method is executed to ask the user for a valid revisedItemPrice. The details are omitted to increase comprehensibility. If the item price given is not valid, the user needs to keep entering it until it is valid.
  2. ItemsParser calls ItemManager to set the revised price, getting the item of interest before calling UI to show it is updated correctly.

If the user input is “s”, the logic is largely similar to when it is “p”. The explanations are omitted here to avoid repetition.

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3.6. Orders Add

Orders add diagram

As seen from the sequence diagram above, when user wants to add an Order.

  1. User input “Orders add Yiwen” string.
  2. Ui will send the userInput to the parser to process it.
  3. A new OrdersAddCommand object is been created and its execute method is being called.
  4. A new ItemManger object is been created and its execute method is being called.
  5. Ui shows a list of items.
  6. Ui prompts the user to add items in the item list to order.
  7. Ui ask for user input.
  8. user enter the item index.
  9. Repeat step 6 to 8 until stop command is keyed in.
  10. Orders added to order list.
  11. Ui shows order is added.

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3.7. Orders Delete

OrdersDelete Diagram As seen form the sequence diagram above (note that some trivial details are removed from the diagram), when an order is deleted

  1. The Ui reads the input from user.
  2. The main class receives the input from ui.
  3. The main class sends the input to Parser.
  4. The Parser parse the input and sends it to OrdersParser.
  5. The OrdersParser parse the input and sends it to OrdersDeleteCommand.
  6. The OrdersDeleteCommand execute to delete the selected order.
  7. The ItemManager update the quantity of items in deleted order.
  8. The OrdersManager delete the order selected.
  9. The deleted order message is sent to the user.

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3.8. Marking an order as done and generation of receipts

The orders done feature and generation of receipts are split into 2 parts where the first sequence diagram shows the implementation for orders done feature, and the second sequence diagram shows the implementation when generating a receipt.

Orders Done Command Diagram (1)

As seen from the sequence diagram above, when the execute method in OrdersDoneCommand class is executed,

  1. Processes user’s input to determine the order index that the user wants to mark as done.
  2. Show a message to the user that the order has been marked as done.
  3. Mark the order as done using the OrderManager class.
  4. Generate a receipt using the details in the order that has been marked as done. (Implementation of generation of receipt will be explained in the next sequence diagram).
  5. Delete the order from the current list of orders. This is so as to keep the list of orders with just orders that are not yet done or fulfilled as the user can view the done orders using the receipts generated.

Generating receipt Diagram

As seen from the sequence diagram above, when the generateReceipt method from the Receipt class is called,

  1. It gets the customer name of the order that was marked as done using the getCustomerName method from the OrderManager class.
  2. Shows the user that the receipt is being generated.
  3. Create a new directory named Receipts if the directory does not already exist in the folder that the easyLog.jar file is being executed from using the File class.
  4. Create a new receipt file to contain the details of the order also using the File class.
  5. FileWriter object called fw is then created to write the relevant order details into the receipt file that was previously created in step 4.
  6. Close the fw object using the close method when the order details are written finish into the receipt file.
  7. Show the user that the receipt has been generated.

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3.9. Exit command and creating and/or saving of save data

Exit and SaveFileDiagram (1)

As seen from the above sequence diagram, when the execute method of the ExitCommand class is being called,

  1. It calls the saveFile method from SaveData class.
  2. The saveFile method then creates a new File object called saveData.
  3. saveData object then checks if a save file previously exists, if the save file does not exists, it creates the save file using the saveData object.
  4. FileWriter object called fw is then called to write details like item details, orders details and receipt counter into the save file.
  5. Close the fw object using the close method when the order details are written finish into the save file.
  6. Show the user a message that the data has been saved into the save file.
  7. Exit the program using System.exit(0) method.

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4. Documentation

All documentation can be found under the docs/ folder. Alternatively, visit to browse all the document.

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5. Testing

In this section, we present different types of tests and how they can be run.

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5.1. Types of Tests

There are primarily three types of tests:

  1. Unit tests. Tests are conducted on the fundamental level methods/classes.
    e.g. seedu.easyLog.commons.ConstantsTest

  2. Integration tests. Tests are conducted on checking the integration of multiple code units.

  3. Hybrids of unit and integration tests. Tests are conducted on multiple code units as well as their logic connections.
    e.g. seedu.easyLog.parser.ItemsParserTest

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5.2. Running Tests

There are multiple ways to run tests for easyLog. Two of them are listed below:

Method 1: Using IntelliJ JUnit test runner

Method 2: Using Gradle

🔗 Link: Read this Gradle Tutorial from the se-edu/guides to learn more about using Gradle.

Note: If you are new to Gradle, refer to this Gradle Tutorial to learn more about how to use Gradle commands.

We invite you to visit Appendix E: Instructions for Manual Testing to learn more about manual testing for easyLog.

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6. Dev Ops

Int this section, we discuss several important aspects of Dev Ops which can shorten the system development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.

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6.1. Build Automation

We use Gradle for tasks related to build automation such as running tests and checking code for style compliance.

To run all build-related tasks:

  1. Open a terminal in the project’s root directory.
  2. Run the command:
    • Windows: gradlew build
    • macOS / Linux: ./gradlew build
  3. A message stating BUILD SUCCESSFUL will be shown in the terminal if all tasks are run successfully. Otherwise, refer to the error report provided to resolve the issues before trying again.

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6.2. Continuous Integration

We use Github Actions for continuous integration. No setup will be required for users who fork from the AY2021S2-CS2113T-T09-4/tp repository.

Whenever you create a pull request to the master branch of AY2021S2-CS2113T-T09-4/tp:

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6.3. Coverage Report

We use the IntelliJ IDEA’s coverage analysis tool for coverage reporting. A tutorial on how to install and use this tool can be found here.

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6.4. Making a Release

You can follow the steps below to make a new release:

  1. Generate the JAR file using Gradle by opening a terminal in the project’s root directory, and run the command:
    • Windows: gradlew clean shadowJar
    • macOS / Linux: ./gradlew clean shadowJar
  2. Find the JAR file in the build/libs directory.
  3. Tag the repository with the new version number (e.g. v2.1).
  4. Create a new release using Github and upload the JAR file found in step 3.

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6.5. Managing Dependencies

Currently, the Gson library is being used for JSON parsing, and the Apache Commons Lang is being used for string processing in easyLog. Below are 2 ways to manage these dependencies.

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Appendix A: Product Scope

Target User Profile

Value Proposition

A simple database application that helps target user to store and access a collection of data electronically from a computer system.

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Appendix B: User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 user add new items track the items added to the warehouse
v1.0 user view the items in the warehouse track the items that are added or not added to the warehouse
v1.0 user remove items remove the items that are no longer required to be tracked
v1.0 user add new orders track the orders added to the system
v1.0 user view the orders in the system track the orders that are added or not added to the system
v1.0 user remove orders remove the orders that are no longer required to be tracked
v1.0 user clear all items re-track all the items if there are any problems
v1.0 user clear all orders re-track all the orders if there are any problems
v1.0 user view all available commands refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 user view all items-related commands refer to them when I forget how to use the items feature
v1.0 user view all orders-related commands refer to them when I forget how to use the orders feature
v2.0 user create, save data and load existing data work on another device with the saved data
v2.0 expert user create, save data and load existing data edit the data file directly
v2.0 user find relevant items save time by looking through relevant items
v2.0 user find relevant orders save time by looking through relevant orders
v2.0 user add a new item with a specified unit price calculate order price more easily
v2.0 user update the unit price of an item revise unit price or correct mistaken unit price entered earlier
v2.0 user add a new item with its stock keep track of total number of stock and calculate order price more easily
v2.0 user update the stock of an item Correct mistaken stock number entered earlier
v2.0 user specify the quantity of a item to add to the order calculate the total price of the order and update the item inventory correctly.
v2.0 user check the total price of a specific order feedback to customer when they ask for it and do not have to look through the order list.
v2.0 user update the status of an order differentiate the orders by their status.
v2.0 user view receipt of a order that is done check done orders and deal with taxes.
v2.1 user view sales statistics know what is my most popular items and update stocks accordingly.

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Appendix C: Non-Functional Requirements

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Appendix D: Glossary

Abbreviation Full Title Definition
CI Continuous Integration Combining parts of a software product to form a whole
IntelliJ IntelliJ An Integrated Development Environment written in Java
CLI Command Line Interface A program that accepts text inputs to execute operating system functions
GUI Graphical User Interface An interface that allows users to interact through graphical icons
Mainstream OS Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X Operating systems

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Appendix E: Instructions for Manual Testing

Given below are instructions to test easyLog manually.

Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Launching easyLog

  1. Initial launch of easyLog

    i. Download the jar file here and copy into an empty folder.

    ii. Open up a command window to that folder with the jar file.

    iii. Run the command java -jar easyLog.jar

    Expected: easyLog will be loaded, and a welcome message will be shown. Ensure that the version number in the welcome matches version of the jar file downloaded.

Check Items

  1. Check if a new item is added in the item list.

    Prerequisite: The item to be added is not found in item list.

    Testcase: items add pen followed by 13 12.

    Expected: Item ‘pen’ is added in item list with price $13 and quantity 12.

  2. Check if repeated item is updated.

    Prerequisite: The item list already contains item.

    Testcase: items update followed by 1 followed by p and followed by 15.

    Expected: When input item list, the first item is priced at 15 with original quantity.

  3. Check it item list is cleared.

    Prerequisite: The item list already contains item.

    Testcase: items clear.

    Expected: When input item list, there is a message informing no item in the system.

  4. Check if item is deleted.

    Prerequisite: The item list already contains item.

    Testcase: items delete 1.

    Expected: When input item list, the first item in the original list is deleted.

  5. Check if item can be found in list.

    Prerequisite: The item list already contains item, e.g. “PS1”.

    Testcase: items find PS.

    Expected: A list of item containing “PS” will be shown.

  6. Check if all items can be listed.

    Prerequisite: The item list already contains item.

    Testcase: items list.

    Expected: A list of items added to item list will be shown.

Check Orders

  1. Check if a new order is added.

    i. The item list contains some items.
    ii. The order list does not contain the same order name.

    Testcase: orders add yw followed by 1 2 followed by stop.

    Expected: A message showing cunstomer [yw] is added.

  2. Check if correct items are added.

    i. The item list contains some items.
    ii. The order list does not contain the same order name.

    Testcase: orders add yw followed by 1 2 followed by stop followed by orders list.

    Expected: In the list of orders, under yw, two of the first item in item list are added and the total price is reflected.

  3. Check if the orders are cleared.

    i. The item list contains some items.
    ii. The order list contains some orders, e.g. yw.

    Testcase: orders clear followed by orders list.

    Expected: A message showing no order at the moment.

  4. Check if order deleted.

    i. The item list contains some items.
    ii. The order list contains some orders, e.g. yw.

    Testcase: orders delete 1 followed by orders list.

    Expected: The first order in the original order list is deleted.

  5. Check if an order can be found.

    i. The item list contains some items.
    ii. The order list contains some orders, e.g. yw.

    Testcase: orders find yw.

    Expected: A list of orders relating to yw will be shown.

  6. Check if status of order can be updated.

    i. The item list contains some items.
    ii. The order list contains some orders, e.g. yw.

    Testcase: orders done 1.

    Expected: A message showing the order is completed will be shown. In addition, a receipt will be generated.


  1. Viewing help for easyLog.

    Testcase: Input help.

    Expected: A list of commands for easyLog will be shown.

  2. Viewing help for items commands.

    Testcase: Input items help.

    Expected: A list of commands for items will be shown.

  3. Viewing help for orders commands.

    Testcase: Input orders help.

    Expected: A list of commands for orders will be shown.

Exit easyLog

  1. Exit easyLog.

    Testcase: Input exit.

    Expected: easyLog exits with exit message.

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